Posted on January 24, 2016 by Geoff Grant
I had the great pleasure of promoting long time students and friends Dave Ward and Kristoffer Nubla with BJJ black belts at our recent end of year grading.
Dave is an inspiration to all on our mat, as instructor and student alike. His tireless efforts and support to our club are testimony to his black belt character.
Kris always brings the highest technical level and great passion to our mat. A wonderful martial artist both on and off the mat.
Dave and Kris are true black belts, dedicated athletes, generous with their knowledge and great human beings.
Simon Farnsworth
Posted on January 24, 2016 by Geoff Grant
After almost 12 years of training, AWBJJ head instructor Tony Morris, with the endorsement of John Will awarded John his well earned BJJ Black Belt.
John is a central part of our club and sets the standard both on and off the mat with his attention to detail, high work ethic and ability to lead and teach. He is a pleasure to be around and summed up the BJJ journey well when he said "I guess now I've got to start all over again".
It was great to see 26 on the mat for the occasion and our club will now have 4 Black Belts regularly on the mat.
Congratulations John enjoy your new rank.

Posted on September 10, 2015 by Geoff Grant
One of Australia’s newest Black belts - Queensland’s Matthew Cugola, has been training for many years under the guidance of the excellent Vincent Perry from Burleigh Heads.
Congratulations Matthew, I admire your dedication, commitment to excellence and passion for what you do.
May this milestone prove to be the first of many more to come.
Posted on August 18, 2015 by Geoff Grant
If you are a Black Belt in our organisation, we would love to have you there for this year’s Black Belt photo shoot with professor Rigan Machado - the day after the Gathering.
This year we plan to create a perfect ‘V’ (through clever use of duct tape and volunteer organisers) - with Professor Machado featuring as Head Duck!
All participants will find many uses for this great pic over the coming years.
So be a part of history … we’ll see you on the mat at Dominance - 555 Victoria St - Abbotsford - at 10am sharp - Sunday September 13th!
Bring Gi and Belt - duct tape provided!
John Will

Best respect
Posted on July 20, 2015 by Geoff Grant
This weekend just past I had the privilege of being able to present Clay Shaw with his Black Belt.
Clay first stepped onto the BJJ mat 20 years ago and his dedication, perseverance and dogged commitment have earned him membership to a much-respected and closely-knit fraternity –
congratulations Clay!
Clay brings warmth and positivity to any mat he graces, he is all about contribution and guidance, a true teacher at heart.
Once again – a huge congratulations Clay – you are an inspiration.