
The Gathering 10th September 2022

Posted on April 21, 2022 by Geoff Grant

The Gathering 2022

If you already have a Smoothcomp account -
just register here: Enter>>

All Competitors ...

We are now using the SMOOTHCOMP platform to run our annual Will-Machado Gathering.
Many of you will already have a smooth comp account - and so you’ll know how to register. For the newbies - here is a step-by-step guide to opening a Smoothcomp account - choosing the competition to enter (the 2022 Will-Machado Gathering) - and registering for it. It’s easy.


New Will-Machado Black Belt in Geraldton

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Geoff Grant

Last night I had the privilege of awarding Braden Sweeney his Black Belt. He started training with me at the Geraldton PCYC as a 16 year over 11 years ago.

Early in 2020 Braden moved to Perth and continued his training under Leigh Burger as well as regularly seeking out and grappling with many of Perth brown and black belts.

As well as being a solid grappler with a well-rounded gi and no gi game he is an experienced coach with many years of assisting the planning and coaching in Geraldton as well as coaching in Perth. 

Congratulations Braden

Oliver Murray - Will-Machado Geraldton

Picture from L to R

Michael Jones, Braden Sweeney, Oliver Murray & Jasmyn Fairclough

The Gathering 2020

Posted on May 25, 2020 by Geoff Grant

what a year!

I trust this message finds you well, and even prospering, in these challenging times. These unusual circumstances have tested many of us - for sure - but when we compare how we have fared with Europe and the United States, it becomes clear that we have a lot to be thankful for. Most, if not all of us, will emerge perhaps even the better for it, in the long run.

In many places, we are able to get back to some sort of operations this month. We those still unable to open our mats for contact training, it might only be a month or so, and we'll be back. By Christmas, we'll very likely be looking back at the whole thing as a kind of hibernation-of-sorts - one that we'll remember perhaps for the rest of our lives. No doubt, all mats will have improved hygiene regimes - so thats good!

Now to the hard part ... regarding this years GATHERING.
Even if we are all up and running by the end of July, I do not think that gives us enough time to 'find our feet' and get to back to where we were, 6 moths ago. So, after thinking long and hard about it, I have decided that the 2020 Gathering will not go ahead. We will need to cancel this year - and look forward to a huge return in 2021.

This, you may or may not realise, was somewhat of a heartbreaking decision for me ... but I do think it is what is best for everyone. I want your attention to remain where it should be - on your families, your circle of friends and the re-building of your Academies. Let's recover from this 'injury', rehab, repair and re-build for a great 2021. See you all very soon I trust.

My apologies and deepest respect to you all.
Best regards
John Will

W/M Posters

Posted on May 07, 2020 by Geoff Grant

John has created several high quality posters for you to use.

Click the image below for full size posters.
(Dropbox link)


For all Will-Machado BJJ lovers ...

Posted on March 14, 2020 by Geoff Grant

We all understand that we are now entering new territory with the advent of COVID-19. I am staying abreast of the rapidly-evolving situation and trying to respond in a way that is best for us all. My number one concern, as always, is with the safety and best outcomes for not only the Will-Machado BJJ family - but the wider community and especially the elderly.

Many of my international friends, including some of the most well respected coaches in BJJ, now find themselves in the unfamiliar situation of needing to temporarily close their academies for a few weeks (friends in the USA and in Europe). I doubt that Australia and New Zealand will be too far behind in the same response. We may be only days away from this happening. By the time you read this, I imagine your doors may be closed.

Of course, we are a special community, as you know – not only are we one of the leading BJJ organisations in the world, we are highly respected on the International landscape. I hope you are proud to share in the Will-Machado brand - as proud as I am of all our wonderful members.

As human beings and martial artists, we want to do the responsible thing. If the cost of doing the right thing is shared, then the chance of us all getting through this is intact, is much more likely. So now is not the time for any student to bail on their academy or gym - quite the opposite. Your coach needs your ongoing support through this crisis.

It may well be that most, if not all academies, will need to suspend classes for a couple of weeks; to let the worst of the crisis pass - a Corona Holiday of sorts. We want you to be safe. And if classes are suspended, I have no doubt that your instructors will find a myriad of ways to make it up to you over the next 12 months.

More than likely, this will only affect you for 4-8 training nights. Of course, this is all up in the air at the moment - but that is what the consensus seems to be.

So again, I ask that we all support one another through this. For many, BJJ is much more than just our weekly activity; we are a community - something that is unique and very, very special.

Be smart and be selfless as we push through this novel situation together.


John Will

Will-Machado BJJ Australasia

The Gathering 2019: Results

Posted on September 09, 2019 by Geoff Grant

The Gathering Draws 2019

Posted on September 06, 2019 by Geoff Grant

The Gathering 2019: Brackets / Draw

Gi Mat Schedule >>

Gi Brackets >>

No Gi Brackets >>

ALL NO-GI matches begin at 4pm.
White Belt Division – Mat 1
Blue Belt Division – Mat 2
Purple Belt Division – Mat 3
Brown Belt Division – Mat 4
Black Belt Division – Mat 5